Awarded the Premio San Martino to Gavazzi Tessuti Tecnici

On the evening of Saturday, November 12, 2022, the Municipality of Calolziocorte awarded the "Premio San Martino" to Gavazzi Tessuti Tecnici for having been able to renew itself, investing, among the first, in the processing of glass fiber for the production of technical fabrics, with foresight, making known the name of Calolziocorte in the world.

The award is given to citizens, associations, groups or companies with official headquarters in the Municipality of Calolziocorte, that operate or have operated in any sector of human activity, in sports, cultural, artistic, gestures of solidarity and brotherhood, civil engagement or in the productive or service sectors or worthy of recognition for the activities undertaken, promoting the awareness of the citizenship of Calolziocorte.

To receive the award was the President and CEO Nicolò Torrani, along with his sister Benedetta. «We are very proud to receive this award that combines even more the Gavazzi Technical Fabrics with the territory of Lecco where it was founded in 1881 in Valmadrera and then in Calolziocorte, where it has developed its trade - said President Torrani - It is an honour that we are pleased to share with all the workers of the factories, not only of Calolziocorte, but also of Milan, Cisano Bergamasco and Arcore. Finally, we thank Mayor Ghezzi and the Municipality for having thought of us for this recognition».

Premio San Martino Gavazzi Tessuti Tecnici
